We have extensive experience in business legal advice, helping companies to achieve their commercial goals. We provide the necessary legal support to companies on their on-going business needs, at any stage of business life, from the creation of a company, taxation, advice on company conflicts and legal claims to the liquidation of the company.
We are also insolvency practitioners, specialists in out-of-court settlement of payments, bankruptcy and second chance and debt release.
Choosing a good professional who knows the second chance in depth is essential; we negotiate the payment and settlement of your debts with the maximum experience in enterprise and individual insolvency proceedings.
To have success in the process it is essential to count on an expert lawyer specialized in the second opportunity and the bankruptcy process given its complexity and the high level of specialization required.
Our relationship with the client is of full availability, proximity and trust: we can guarantee that you will be fully informed of every step of the process.
We also have an extensive network of purchasers and assets liquidators that allows us to receive substantial offers, which results in a greater capacity to satisfy creditor’s debts, in addition to also having experts among the people of our team in expertise and appraisal.